20181109 - Up in the am and somehow magically the boys do not have school again... In to work, swung by McD's for a McMuffin on the way in. Wore my umbrella hat in carrying another load of stuff from auctions to give to the kids. Chatted with Jason for a bit and Kevin presented me with a Natty Light airplane for my office. IT IS COOL!! J&G home, no school today, playing the Xbox all day... I had a couple good meetings and made some progress on closing some big projects out soon. Headed home, D not real sure what he’s doing this week. Got home and got LJ&G and we headed to Nazareth for a good dinner. We headed home and settled in the basement to watch the new Winnie the Poo movie, Christopher Robin. It was a super cute show. After the movie L went to bed and JG&I watched a couple episodes of Hogin’s Heroes before heading to bed.