20181121 + Up in the am and L prepared the dip for me to take to work. In to work, no J this am and traffic was surprisingly light... In to a quiet workplace and getting things done. As it got closer to noon the place got louder and food was set out and we had a feast! It is a nice group of folks and there were some good and interesting dishes. After lunch I packed up and headed home. We got ont he road and made good time to the Farm. We met up with Gma&paW and the Halsteads at the Farmhouse and chatted for a long time. Roger showed up with pheasants and we all went out to release them. The Halstead girls were a bit shay at first about the process but gave it a try and had a good time. Back to the Farmhouse and we all chatted until they had to leave, great to see them. Up to Gma&paW's house where we got the guns ready for tomorrow and GpaW got us Chinese for dinner. We had a big dinner and then hung out a bit watching TV and looking through ads. To bed in good time.