20181118 - L got G&I up super early to head to Powell for G's four basketball games. We were one of the very first cars in the parking lot... Finally more folks showed up and we headed in for our games. G and his team did well and they won 3 out of 4. Talked to D in between games and walked him through getting a new battery for his car. It was a long day and we got home and J was home, cleaned up and on the Xbox. We had some time so I shipped some things and then LJ&I headed to J's Cross Country Banquet. It was a nice event and the seniors got to throw their training shoes into a tree by the football field. It was the first year for this so it was pretty cool.
Back in and we went tot he boys ceremony, we took off just as folks started eating. I wanted to go get the wreaths and J was not to keen on that idea... Eventually J&G went with me to get the wreaths, didn't take us long. We then sorted and bagged them and then J drove me around in the dark to deliver some. his first time on the roads ever and he did pretty good. We ended up on the east side of town so I had him go Broad to 270 to get us back to Gahanna and we survived... Home and G in a bit of trouble for leaving his brand new winter coat at the basketball event... J&I watched The Walking Dead, not great this week. Up late shipping ebay things and Webelos neckerchief for kid in Africa.