20181113 - Up in the am and had a hair floating around in my good eye, excruciating pain trying to get it out... Eye all bloodshot and out the door to get the dead squirrel int eh trash. Dropped J at school and headed in to work. Had a nice chat with Keith this am and then dug in. Had a nice chat with CB this morning. Finished the day at the desk working on whatever came across it. Headed out a bit late. Home and L tried an experiment on us, it had bacon in it so it was pretty good (especially with queso poured over the top ;-) L&G got ready and headed to his orchestra concert, I installed an OBiTalk, now the home phone is on a totally free service, I opted to pay the $25/year for the E911, just in case. J&I headed to the Scout Board of Review, enough adults showed up so I bailed and headed to G concert. I had to park on the other side of the football field entrance and hiked forever to get tot he auditorium and walked in the door the second they were done playing... Headed home, finished up phone transfer, shipped ebay things, chatted with J when he got home, he earned his Star Rank. Sat with the fam in the living room for only a couple of minutes before everyone headed off to bed. i stayed up and investigated cable replacement options until late.