20180709 - Up in the am and in to work. Outlining things for the next couple weeks to plan the rest of our Summer and make sure it all lines up with work. Had a very busy day and got a lot of things in order for a productive week. Finished up the day and headed home. Home and L was cooking dinner, D was lifeguarding, J was at the pool and G was playing the Xbox. I listed a couple of things, J got home, L served us dinner. After dinner the boys got ready and I loaded up the car with some Eagles stuff to deliver. JG&I then headed to Scouts. J worked with his merit badge counselors and got 1 of the 2 required merit badges done... (my head exploding here...). D showed up at Scouts to check in with his camp bunk-mate and make plans. After Scouts I dropped J off and G&I ran to the gas station where he got chocolate milk and then on to a friends house to drop off the Eagles stuff. Home and I joined L on the back porch and worked on some Booster stuff. It got to buggy so we headed inside to watch 'The Proposal' where a guy I used to hang out with was on the show. He only made it to the second round before being eliminated, but it was super fun to watch. All boys to bed and I was up late working on Booster stuff.