20180722 - Virtual Clothes!

20180722 - Up late and in to the office. Spent most of the day in there getting the floor cleaned off and the shelves in order so the chaos is not so apparent. L worked on her chair covers and ran to the store to get dinner ingredients, D did a couple of things for me, J set up the new phone charging pads and cleaned up the pile of electronics in the office, G on the Xbox. J&G took a ride downtown to hunt Pokemon, G's first time on his own device. The boys did take an electronics break to play wiffle ball for a couple minutes. L made us a nice dinner, D ran and picked up DGF7 and L ran J to a friends for the night. Night wound down and still in and out of the office as pictures download from cameras and phones, Found out that G went to the UDF on the Pokemon hunt, bought $40 gift card with $ left over from camp and spent it ALL on Fortnight, clothes for his character... OMG I lost my mind... Sent him to bed. Up late finishing transfer of pics and prep for a busy week.