20180723 + Up in the am and in to work. Starting the process of lining things up so being out next week won't cause any disruption on progress. Was at the desk all day cleaning out email, made the HR girl cry (not sure why I'll talk to her tomorrow). Got good and organized. CB rolled out a nice new break room today. Home in good time. Helped G as he melted down with the Xbox a bit and discussed the need for him to grow up and stop melting down, take the time to assess the situation and find a fix. Talked to Jim from next door about our cable for a bit. L made a nice dinner and then I headed into the office to pay the bills for the past 3 weeks and the next 2. Picked Doc up and headed to Bible Bangers, He's very wobbly and has stitches over his eye from falling out of bed. Chris told us of his adventures in Europe with the fam and showed us some pics. We all then caught up with each other a bit before heading home. Doc and I stopped for gas, I got his trash out and then buckled down at the desk until 2am finishing things up.