20180724 - Up in the am and in to quiet office. Was at the desk all day getting things lined up, documented and organized. Talked to the HR girl from yesterday and put her at ease. Headed home in good time. Went over and talked to Jodi, our neighbor about the tree. I had never talked with her before and it was a very nice conversation, she even recited a poem about trees to me that she had learned in 3rd grade. Back home and my buddy John showed up to pick up his son O that was hanging out with G today. We had a beer on the back porch and chatted for a while. L made a good dinner and then I struggled to to keep my head falling from side to side as exhaustion overtook me. In and watched some TV with the fam. D home from work and we got some more of his college papers filled out. By now I am wide awake again so stayed up til 2 working on Booster stuff...