20190527 ‡ Up late in the am and did some work on the PC paying bills. D working at D-Bat today, J in his room and G and his buddy starting to move around from being up all night. L&I got around and went to a graduation party. This boy is heading to the Marines 6/24 :-o It was a nice party and we got to chat with some of the other guests and with Carin to make sure she was on-board with Scott's new job working for a non-profit where he has to raise the money to pay his salary (https://www.ifipartners.org/team/scott-holahan). After the party L&I headed to the post office and then the pool to pay for the membership. G and his bud showed up kicking a scooter and bike to hang out at the pool with a cooler (full of ice cream). Home and I finished up paying the bills, L ran to the grocery and flower store, D home, J still shut up in his room... L home and then G called and L went to rescue them from a kid that isn't so nice... She dropped G's friend off on the way home. I cooked some brats on the grill and LDJ&I had dinner on the picnic table, G zombified by the TV and exhaustion. L&I played cornhole while D&J cleaned up dinner and then one of D's friends, Quincy, showed up to hang out a bit. All the boys played wiffle ball until it started raining. It cleared up a bit and D made a fire so L could roast some marshmallows and we all hung out on the back porch watching PBR Rodeo and chatting. Headed in as it got dark and preparing for the last couple days of school. Got everyone to bed and then out of bed and to the basement when the tornado sirens went off until about 1am. All good and all back to bed. I stayed up a bit longer and finished season 1 of Game of Thrones.