20190505 - Nice late start to the day. Got in the office and did a couple of things. Got J started on listing things for ebay and LG&I headed to Dayton to watch D's last games of the year with Wilmington Baseball. Uncle Russ was there when we arrived and we hung out with him and watched the game. D didn't play but it was nice to see all the guys there for Senior Day as it is their last game ever... We stayed as long as we could and then had to head home. We dropped G off at home and then L&I went to a meeting for D's new summer baseball team the Columbus Braves. Sounds like some serious baseball! The coach has been doing this for 44 years and was on the OSU Baseball team when they won the NCAA Championship in 1966. After the meeting we headed home and Tom & Bill stopped by with their boys. We hung out on the back porch and talked baseball and the boys went back tot he field to hit and practice. We had some good discussions about the team and have a plan. Everyone took off and we watched a bit of American Idol and then checked in for the night. I stayed up and set up a new Team App for D's Summer team --> https://columbusbraves.teamapp.com/