20190515 - up in the am and dropped J off at school on the way in to work. Still taking the back way to the big office today. In early and it is quiet so getting things lined up and knocked out. Left a bit early to get to Morango for G's baseball game, middle of no place... Gma&paW showed up for the game and it was s stinker... The same kids that beat us last Sunday crushed us 12-2... G did come in to pitch when the rial were already off, but there was no stopping this wreck... After G's game J&I headed to Hebron to pick up a pullover I left at the poker party. J got to drive my car and it is very fast and sensitive, he was not use to that and tended to speed a bit more :-o We got there go the pullover and J wanted me to drive the rest of the way home. We got home about 9:30 and got shut done for the evening. Up late on the PC getting email done.