20190503 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school, he's all dressed up for his concert tonight and looks good. In to the new office and up in the conference room by myself in the am getting things done waiting for folks to show up. J had a big concert competition today and L went to it, Gma&paW showed up for it too. Had a busy day of numbers and graphs. Finished the day up a bit early to head to baseball. The roads were a mess so I took 23 all the down through downtown to get to the game. It was a good game and the boys run ruled the team 12-0 in 4 innings. After the game we went to dinner with Gma&paW and then headed home for the night. D stopped by late to drop off some of the things from his room with a couple of his friends. J&I chatted with them a bit before heading to bed late.