20190507 + Up in the am VERY tired today, so is J, we barely got him to school in time. Took the back way to 270 and in to the new office for the morning and then over to the big building for afternoon meetings. Finished up and headed home. Home, got J and he drove me to Reynoldsburg to pick up some auction stuff that ended up not being there... So we swung by Harbor Freight to get a new tarp for the baseball team. On the way home we saw D on the map go past home and head to the Gahanna high school baseball game so J wanted to go there. We got to the game and there were a ton of folks there we knew. We saw D and hung out a while and then J drove me to vote. Voting done and back to the house for dinner on the back porch. D home and we ran to Wendy's for an ice cream snack and so D could get some food. L&J helped D unpack the rest of his stuff and get it in to his room. Up late watching TV.