20181007 + UP in the am and L&J downtown to run Spirit Sprint 5k. It was a BIG DEAL with tons of area high schools, marching bands, cheerleaders, Brutus and Gahanna XC won the grand prize of $15,000!! D took off for bfast with DGF7 and G&I ran to Home Depot to get the stuff we didn't have time to get yesterday and the home to unloaded and take off the back steps leading out of the dining room and then G went to play on the Xbox for a bit while J&I went to look at a car. We took a test drive and I even had J drive a bit (it made him smile). We went back to Jerry's (a guy I work with) to return the car and made a deal. Back home to grab some stuff and L&I headed to G's baseball game. D showed up to watch G's game and it was a horrible game. The other team was rude, trash talking and driving our kids crazy... Their catcher was the worse offender making comment to each kid while batting, dancing around and being a punk, upsetting all our boy. G went up to pitch and swiftly struck the kid out, pointed at him and then their bench and told him to 'SIT DOWN'. Not appropriate, but epic! The 8 inning game was too much for our boys but it was a good slap in the nouth to teach them not to get pulled into to a trash game. We went to Flanigan's after game for some bad food and bad service. We finally got out of there and L&I ran D to the outlet mall where he was met by roommate and buddy. Home through some thick traffic and watched second half of walking dead with J.