20181010 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school, he has a big test today. In to work and we now have access to build a new tool on a new platform and Lonie and I dug right in. Busy day cleaning out email and organizing, left in good time. Home and started listing things right away. Took a break for dinner with J&G, L headed to McClains to work on a chair. I finished listing stuff and then JG&I headed to MSW so I could time them running the mile, but there was a football game so we went to MSE and they ran with barely any light left, J got 6min2sec, G got 7min10sec. Then we headed to Jefferson so they could do pull-ups, not pretty... Home for push-ups and sit-ups and a stretch test. They need some work... L home, boys to bed late, I stayed up and sorted stuff out in the garage until way to late.