20181015 - Up in the morning to a gray rainy mess. J&G didn't have school today so I took my time getting into the office. I took a couple boxes of stuff from the garage to put on the free stuff table and started the morning. Had an IT meeting first thing and progress has been slow with an unexpected twist this morning. It was a gray rainy mess all day and I couldn't really get started. Managed to get some things done today and headed out a bit late. Home and sat with the fam, J&G home all day from school for whatever reason... Up and out the door for the Boosters annual coaches dinner. The dinner was nice and many coaches recognized myself and other new board members for all the improvements since we have taken over. After the meeting I ran home, got doc and headed to Bible Bangers. After the meeting I dropped Doc off and headed to Meijer to grab a couple of things for G to open in the morning.