20181022 - Up later in the am as the boys did not have school. Headed in to the office and getting things organized. Headed over to the new building and learned some processes with Lonie. Back to the office to finish off the day. Headed home the back way through thick traffic, passing L&G on the way to his basketball practice. I got home and J helped me clean up the trash and get it to the curb and load up the Scout tent to return it. We got a quick bite and then headed to Scouts. We delivered the tent and then went to the meeting and I checked in with the guys. Bailed out to pick up G and he came running over with a HUGE shiner on cheek... We headed back towards Scouts with quick stops at the gas station and post office. G joined the Scout circle that went on and on... We got home, started slowing down a bit, I said goodnight to the boys and then headed to Bible Bangers with Doc. Not home to late.