20211027 - Up in the am and LJ&G at school. I got around for my morning call and the day went it's own direction from there. Hazel and I took a walk and then back to the desk. L&J headed to Kent for a college visit. I ran to pick G up from school and then the Bowman brothers picked him up to go to his first high school baseball practice. I finished my day and threw the ball to hazel for a bit. L&J home and L blah blah blah about the Kent St. visit. I headed to the high school, returned the hot dog and nacho machines and then in to the library to host a Team App training for the Boosters. Home and checked in with G on how practice went. He had a good time and said the coaches asked 'Hey kid, what's your name?'. He told them and they were like OMG you're little wings? hahaha it's been 2 years since they've seen him and he's so much bigger. I texted with them coaches and they confirmed they didn't recognize him and that he did really good. Not up too late.