20200619 - Up in the am and had some bfast with L, D already at work and J headed out to run. I had an escalation right out of the gate... Got that settled and dove in to my other stuff. G's new bat arrived, L&I put it in his bag and he didn't notice until he was packing up to leave, he now has a permanent smile :-) L got the car packed up and she started driving us to Dayton. I got the hotspot fired up on the phone and we were off. I worked during the drive over. G's 1st game was at 2 and it was NOT good, but it was against a really good team. We lost... We had a couple hour break so we went to Setters a sand volleyball bar close to the fields and hung out in AC until it was time for game 2. Back to he field and had to wait forever to play. Game 2 started with a home run but that was all she wrote. The boys played good D but the bats would not hit today and we took loss #2 for the day. Tom had a pretty stern chat with the boys after the game and one of the players quit. We hung out and chatted for a bit and then headed home hot and tired. Home, cleaned up and to bed.