20200614 + Up in the am and J off to work and LG&I headed to G's 1st game of the day. We played the same team we played on Friday and run ruled them in 4 innings. The boys played great and it was fun to watch. We ran in to Jim Long and his family at the fields and chatted with them a bit. G went with the McClains to the Aker's house to eat and hang out and L&I ran back to Reynoldsburg to pick up some auction wins. We got our stuff, stopped by and got some munchies and head to the Aker's house which is a lovely log cabin in Obetz. We snacked and chatted and the boys hung out and messed around. Back to the ball field and ran in to the Kauffmans we play on Ohio Elite with and caught up with them a bit. Gma&paB showed up and the boys took the field. It was a great battle of a game! 3 up, 3 down, back and forth to the very last strike with one of our boys on base to tie it up but we just missed it. We packed up and headed home. LG&I got Arby's and ate. J at a friend's swimming and D home from work. L&I relaxing from a busy weekend watching some TV.