20200618 + Up in the am and J out running and L getting things ready for a busy day. L got G up and they went to get a quote on braces. I did some emails and then headed to Worthington where I met a couple of guys from the office for lunch and then headed in to the office to get a couple of things done and pick up a laptop for L. LDG & DGF10 headed to G's baseball game in Dayton, D helped with warm up and in the dugout. The laptop didn't work out so I headed home, listening to G's game. G's game sounded like a mess and folks texting me confirmed it was the worst we've played so far this year. Home and J out with friends making a huge slip and slide. I got some things done as I waited for everyone to get home. Everyone home and told about the horrible game. Watched a movie with L and headed to bed in good time.