20191028 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school. In to the office and dispersed stuff left at our house from the Party and then left Reese's Pumpkins at everyone desks. PC fired up and running fast this morning. Had a busy day getting caught up from party planning, readiness and execution. Headed out in good time. Home for a bit to make sure J was on track and then headed to the school to pick up G. Got G from basketball practice and he thinks he has a really good shot of making the team. Home and Had J run out and sell some more wreaths and head to Scouts. When G got out of the shower I took him to Scouts and then made a couple deliveries to return things borrowed from for the Party. Back to Scouts and hung out for a bit. Home and got Doc and headed to Bible Bangers. Had a good meeting and not home too late. Up late getting the wreath orders in.