20191012 + Up late and got myself around. J up early and went to XC meet to support his teammates even thought he was not cleared to run due to a muscle pull he had. I headed to the auction houses to pick things up. They only had 1 of the 2 things I needed at one and the other was closed... so pretty much a wasted trip. Swung by and got a hair cut on the way home. Home and my keyboards stopped working, so dug an old one out of the basement. Tried to get quicken updated and something went wrong with it... Things finally smoothed out and I got some stuff done. D called and was bored at school so he decided to come home. As soon as L announced the D was coming home Lilly went to the door... G home from his sleep over and party. D got home and we chatted a bit. J home and then over to his buddy Conor's for his bday. LDG&I tried a new Mexican place for dinner, Poblano's, it was really good. Home and L&I watched some football. D&G went to movie Gemini Man in 3D. They said it was a great movie but the 3D was a bit over the top.