20191005 + Up too early for a Saturday... L rushed me out of the house to Worthington to watch G run. It was a big course and we have never seen someone get threatened to be thrown out of a XC meet before; some lady wouldn't get out of the starting lane... (rolling my eyes). It was a very cool morning and the boys ran very fast. G got a PR of 12:42.
L went back to Worthington in the afternoon to watch J run, he hurt his leg and didn't run his best. After the race L took J home to get ready for Homecoming. Gma&paB came over and joined LJ&JGF3 at Creekside taking pictures. J&JGF3 then headed to Cap City Diner with some friends for a nice dinner and then on to the dance. After D's game G&I got with one of the coaches and pushed a huge grill across the football field to cook for the Family Cookout. We cooked about 150 hamburgers and 100 hot dogs and helped get everything set up inside. The coach gave his speech 20 min early while I was still outside cooking so I missed all of that... In and had some dinner. G and Nick, one of D's baseball buddies were running around the gym blowing powered sugar on each other... I finished eating, helped clean up, said goodbye to D and G&I headed home. G&I got home and to my surprise J&JGF3 were there, too many people for JFG3. After stopping by for a bit and changing out of their fancy clothes they went to a movie. LG&I settled in and restarted the OSU game so G&I could see the whole thing. Soon J&JGF3 returned from the movie, too scary for JFG3... Stayed up until the end of the game and then to bed