20160521 - Up in the am and dropped off a package at the post office and stopped at the bank. headed to J's game and there were soo many people there I gave up and headed home. L&J stayed for 2 games in the pouring rain, 1 loss and 1 tie, so soccer is over for J this season. We all gathered back home for lunch and then cleaned up the leftovers of the party in the rain... All practices and games cancelled for the D&G, so DG&I headed out and hit a bunch of garage sales while L&J got warmed up. We got a couple things but not a lot. Home and I chained myself to the desk to get my biweekly paperwork done and then LJG&I headed to the McClain's for a fun night. The boys wanted to cook smores so we sent them after sticks to cook marshmallows on. That didn't work out so well...