20220625 - L got us up early and drove G&I down to Grove Cith for G's baseball game. G pitch pretty good but his arm needed a break. The boys are playing well, think only one person has struck out in 3 games, they are hitting the ball, not sure how we aren't winning... Lost this one and headed home. Did some stuff on the phone and then ran up to get a hair cut. I helped J apply for a Student Discover card and do the next steps in his financial aid process. L&I then got ourselves together and headed over to the Mallonn's for Conor's grad party. It was good to see folks and catch up. Home for a bit then G drove all over town picking up his friends and we got some pizzas from Tom on the way home. Home and had pizza and the boys headed out to walk around the town. L&I watched a movie and the backyard filled up with kids. There were too many kids to fit in G's car so I had to drive kids home Home and G still had a couple boys with him and 1 more showed up to spend the night. Up late on the PC.