20210530 + Up too early and LG Hazel & I headed to Whetstone field in Worthington where D used to play baseball all the time for G's first game of the day. Game did not go well... After a beating we headed home, got something to eat, watched a bit of the Indy 500 and took a nap. J headed to work and LG Hazel and I headed back to Whetstone for game 2. Gma&paW came to the game and luckily it was a much better performance by out boys. I didn't video G's at bats this time and he went 2 for 2! Hazel and her naked friend Homer played and played during the game, chasing each other and having a good time. The boys lost and we headed out. On the way home we stopped by the DataField office to show G and Gma&paW the building. Back on the road, home and then GpaW &I headed to the Chinese place to pick up dinner. We chatted about his upcoming surgery and he is VERY nervous. I reminded him that he lived through open heart surgery that was way more risky that this procedure... Home and D showed up for dinner. We had a nice dinner and good to see them. D took off and G wanted a friend to spend the night but we're headed to Newcomerstown tomorrow. L&I watched 'Things Seen and Heard', a pretty good scary movie trying to stay awake to see J when he got home from work. J home, we chatted with him a bit and then headed to bed.