20210510 - Up in the am and LJ&G at school. J home early for his short day and was only home for a bit before changing and heading to work at Wendy's. I got my am things done and headed in to the office. Had a busy day and got a lot done. Headed out of the office and LG&I ran to Ed's to pick up some auction wins and then on to Berliner for G's baseball practice. It was the first outdoor practice the boys had with their coach, ever... it looked like a real practice and he had them under control. L&I talked to one of the dads of another player, nice guy, and we have very similar views. L&I then walked down to D's softball game to watch them, it is fun to watch! D's team won and L&I went back and picked up G and Luke and headed home. Home and watched some TV. J home from work and G&I headed in to the office to review and clean up the items he listed on ebay, and we ordered some more baseball cards for him. We all headed to bed.