20210516 - L got G&I up WAY TOO EARLY to drive to Dayton for G's baseball game. We swung through McD's on the way and then made it to the game. It was NOT GOOD, our pitching and the field umpire thought he was on TV and everyone was there to listen to him... Our coach had enough and fired back at him and got thrown out. The boys didn't play well, G got double and one other boy got a triple, but that was pretty much it. We lost and G&I headed home. Home and we had some lunch with J as he opened his bday presents. J headed out to do somethings with friends, G had some boys over, L cleaned up the yard and I relaxed. Before long J was home, we all got dressed and headed to the high school to watch J's choir concert. Because of COVID they broke the concerts up, so instead of going and seeing all of the choirs, you had a timeslot where you only went in when your child was performing. So it was much shorter and easier to get in and out. I didn't mind, but L would have like to see all of them. Well she did, she watched them online before we went to J's, his was last. After the concert D&G met LJ&I at Rusty Bucket for J's bday dinner. We had a nice meal with our big boys. J left to go see some friends, D headed home and LG&I back to the house. G&I stayed up late getting some baseball cards ready to be sent out for grading. Up late watching TV and looking through auctions.