20200729 - Up in the am and headed out to the parking garage to get some cash. Then to the beach where I got L&I an umbrella and chairs from the lifeguard. We hung out on the beach and chatted with another couple from OH for a bit and then relaxed until the boys came down. We hit the waves for a couple hours and got some good rides. We headed up to the room and in the late afternoon headed out to Surfside Beach and Dagwood’s Deli where we got a huge glider to sit on outside and had a feast. After dinner we headed to Gilligan’s putt putt and played 18 holes. It was a very hard course but I held on to my win streak by one stroke. Back in the car and to Pelican’s for a shaved ice treat before heading back to the room. L&I got a movie, Holmes & Watson and watched it with G and gave D a call to check in on him.