20200727 + Up nice and late and went down to meet L on the beach. She had a nice spot picked out for us and we hung out in the shade and relaxed. We headed in to the water to cool off and then sat in the surf just watching the waves and people for a long time. The boys showed up around 1 and got the boogie boards and caught amazing waves, best we’ve ever seen, that carried them to the beach every time. L&G headed to the pool and J & Larson kept riding waves. Up to the room for a short break. JG Larson and I headed to the Lost Mine putt putt for a free round, comes with our resort, and played 18 holes where J got a hole in one and I got 2 back to back! We stopped at a beach store for supplies on the way back and Larson got screwed on a Bluetooth speaker, but traded it in on a smaller speaker and headphones that he screwed G on by selling it to him. Hahahaha. On to the liquor store where I got the boys a bucket of margarita mix and some tequila and vodka for L&I. Back to the room and L made us some dinner. After a bit we headed back to the beach where L&I played bocci ball, she beat me, and then the boys hound for a game that we played until it was so dark we could barely see the ball. I beat the boys and they were furious! Back to the room to finish off the night. A very fun day!