20200716 - Up too early and J drove us to his annual Dr. visit. I met with the Dr. and J briefly and headed to the waiting room. J came out a min later and we headed home. D headed to work to see about future work and L ran J to Wendy's. L then ran to the Dr. herself as she is still not feeling well. I got on the PC and got a project finished off. D home for a bit and then headed out for a game. J got a ride home from work and then went 'Thrifting' with Conor, who just got his drivers license today. I finished my day up and L&I headed out to see D play a bit. Gma&paW were there so we chatted with them. D didn't play but got in the last inning to hit and shattered one of the bats he made last year (see the barrel right in front of the water tower). After the game D went to dinner with Gma&paW and L&I went to check out the McClain's new patio. We hung out and talked baseball for next year. Got a couple more videos of G cliff jumping and texted with him, he's ok and having fun. Home and to bed.