20200516 - Up late and all down to watch J open his presents, he’s 17 today! We then got ourselves moving and started on some jobs and D ran and picked up Chipotle for lunch and we ate on the patio. About 1 we forced J to sit in the front yard between a couple bday signs and folks started driving by and honking. Pretty soon a line of J’s buddies showed up as a parade honking and hooting and hollering it up for J’s bday. Gma&paB, Gma&paW and the Coles stopped over and we hung out in the back yard for a bit.
J headed out to go swimming in the creek with his buddies, D built a shelf for his room, G played on his Xbox, L cleaned up J’s room and the upstairs bathroom and I caulked the basement steps prepping for paint. Finished up and sat on the back porch for a bit. In for the evening and stayed up watching TV with L until D got home safe.