20200507 - Up and on an early call reviewing the tool I built yesterday, they loved it, no changes until after we review with the customer tomorrow. At the desk getting caught up on everything. Came out for a late lunch and ate while L continued to put finishing touches on everything, it all looks amazing! Finished the day at the desk and L cooked us some dinner. D spent the day on the road, he went to Findlay to visit DGF10, J did some school work and then went skating arriving home late for dinner. G got his school work done and then went to the shed until dinner. L&I ate, G joined us a bit late and J eventually showed up while I was putting things away in the garage. I searched for some supplies on Amazon and then G&I headed to the basement for a double feature of Smokey & the Bandit and Smokey & the Bandit 2. D came home and stopped to pick us up some ice cream. G&I had our snack and both agreed the original was way better than the sequel before heading to bed late.