20200513 - Up a bit late as I stayed up working on a report last night. L went in to her school to clean out her room today. I had a call and got some email done. L home for a bit and got the boys up and started on school work and had some lunch and headed back. I gave D a list of stuff to do and he headed out. Back to the desk for the afternoon calls and app work. Finished up day and headed outside to chat with L about her day. We had brats for dinner on the back patio and then D&G vanished to their electronics. L&I hung out on the back porch and watched some TV and I got caught up on my community volunteer stuff. J home eventually and ate. L&I in and watched a series about a family using earth bags to build a building. To bed in good time but couldn't sleep. Then at 1am DING DONG! some unidentified girl rang our doorbell. If you know who this person is please let me know.