20200502 - Up in the am and got cleaned up in the boys bathroom, haven't used that bathroom in years. Down and made a shopping list of things that need fixed based on the morning bathroom experience and sent D to Home Depot for the supplies. I head in to the shop to clean up the complete mess we had made running out and grabbing tools and throwing furniture in there for a place to be stored. D back with supplies and then had a plan to spend the night at a friends apartment in Wilmington, ah, NO! So he made other arrangements to just go hang out outside around a campfire. J went skateboarding and G spent a bunch of time back at the school throwing the ball against the wall. Mrs. Crews, the lady that takes care of Doc, was sitting out on the front step so L took over some cookies for them. She talked to her for quite a while and come to find out Mrs. Crews was sitting out there because she just got a phone call that her daughter had died overnight. Mickey, 52, had a massive stroke a couple weeks back and had been in the hospital and rehab center ever since. Mrs. Crews had not been able to visit her daughter for the last several weeks due to the pandemic. HOW HORRIBLE! I worked on the garage all afternoon and late into the evening but it is really starting to to look good. I am doing a deep clean that I haven't done since we moved in. Not up too late. D&J home and on their electronics, G with them. Got to bed after sealing the upstairs to keep the poly fumes downstairs.