20200323 - Up in the am and working in the living room with the news on and L cleaning everything in site... The boys sleeping in. G up first, got some of his school work done and headed out to the shed to play the Xbox with friends. D&J up eventually. I read a post where people in our neighborhood are putting bears in their windows so all the kids talking walks can go on a 'Bear Hunt' so I grabbed Teddy and put him in my office window. Lori was a loud mess today as she discovered FaceTiming with her friends... I headed out to check on G and he had his hangout in the shed setup and playing with his friends. I cooked brats and hot dogs on the grill and we had dinner. We played a card game and then G&I watched 'Solver' a cute mytery movie in the basement. We took a break to get ice cream and then I had a FaceTime with the Bible Bangers for a bit. We finished up our movie and headed to bed.