20200321 - Up late and G&I headed out to the shed. I had him put in an outlet and then buttoned everything up and headed up to the house. We sent D&J to the store for last minute supplies, expecting the state to be shut down soon as other states have already locked everything down. I had grant dig the hole next to the house and then we used a punch and got a hole through the cement block in to the basement. I got the wires uncoiled as the boys played wiffle ball and L helped me pull them in to the basement. D&I ran the electric in the basement and installed the new breaker. When we turned on the power it tripped the breaker so I headed out and started taking things apart. When I disconnected some things it started working... I've got a short somewhere upstairs. I took a laptop out with me and the network cable is good! In and D ran to Nazareth to pick up dinner. We all ate in the basement and watched 'What About Bob'. The boys loved it and laughed out loud. After the movie the boys headed up on their electronics and and tossed and turned until 5am.