20200307 - UP in the am and J&I ran to get gas in all the gas cans we have. We went to Giant Eagle and J filled them and my car up. He managed to spray himself with the gas hose a couple times. We swung through the pharmacy on the way home and picked a prescription for me. Home and got the generator running. LG&I headed out. We ran and picked up Luke, a friend of G's and we went to the division championship game that the boys high school team was playing in. It was a great game and we saw tons of folks there we knew. ON the way home we stopped at Wendy's to harass J a bit and get a snack. Home and G & Luke in the backyard playing in this beautiful day. Luke's dad Jason picked him up and we chatted for a bit. When they left LG&I headed to IKEA to get some little things L wanted. G was opposed to going but loved looking at everything. We drove through White Castle on the way home. Home and G couldn't find a friend to spend the night. L&I watched the new Mr. Rogers movie and then the documentary and waited up for J to get home from work. All to bed and L&I laughing and stinking ourselves out with White Castle gas :-)