20200308 + Up in the am and L got the boys fed. We headed up to the farm, LGJ, Conor, Lasron and I. It was a quick trip and we got there, got some boots on and headed out with Gma&paW. We picked up some stuff people had dumped in one of the fields, measured the wood shed, raked some leaved, picked up sticks, covered a hole in the barn floor, got some mulch and spread it and checked out the toilet and ceiling repair. The boys took off on a hike up to the camp to see the falls and do some exploring. We made some plans and discussed the day. The boys came back and we headed up to get a bite to eat at Burger King with Gma&paW and then got ton the road home. We dropped Conor off and then back to the house. J took Larson home and then headed to work. L&I took naps and G was on the Xbox. L&I out to O'Charley's for dinner, TOOK FOREVER. We got our food asked for to-go boxes and went home and ate while we watched American Idol. Zombie guys didn't show up tonight so I finished American Idol with L&G. J home and I watched The Walking Dead after everyone got to bed.