20190429 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school and got the car filled with gas. Jumped on 270 and they have changed the traffic pattern so it was a NIGHTMARE... Finally got to work and got the week rolling. Had a busy day in my office getting a bunch of things done. Finished the day and headed home. Home and got L&G and we headed back across town to Dublin to pay $19 to watch J run in the 800 for 2 minutes and 33 seconds, a pretty good time for him. After J's run we waited and waited for him to get done and come join us so we could head home. Home and J&I cooked ourselves some dinner and we sat down to watch some TV. I headed out about 9 to get Doc and go to Bible Bangers where our friend Gregg that is becoming a police officer joined us for the first time in months. It was great to catch up with him and the other guys. We had a short lesson and then headed home. I stayed up to watch a show and then to bed in good time.