20190409 - Up in the am and no J, he has big tests today and doesn't have to be to school until 11. I took my first call of the day from home and then hit the gas station and headed in to work. Got a bunch of stuff done today. Got a call from L in the middle of the day that she was on her way to D's game at Otterbein and got a call to pick up G sick from school... I finished my day and tried to get a scoring replacement for G's game tonight but that didn't work out so home and got baseball stuff, checked on G shivering and barfing and headed to the field, J was still at track. Got to the field and it was a pretty sloppy game. L&G went to urgent care to get him checked out. G's team barely won and I swung through Arby's to pick up dinner for J&I on the way home. Home and ate, relaxed a bit in the living room falling asleep sitting up. In to bed, awake a bit so got a couple of things done. G joined me in the middle of the night and we watched some TV. I woke up at 5am with TV still on, G gone. Tried to get some more sleep.