20190428 - Up late as all baseball for the day has been cancelled due to drenched fields. G playing on the Xbox and L cleaning and running errands while I got some things done at the desk. In the afternoon we listed to D's game, Gma&paW went but D didn't play... LG&I took a walk downtown, G on his scooter to Coldstone for a sweet treat. We walked around down by the creek and then headed home. G&I settled int he living room and watched some TV until time to run and get J. I got to the church right before the campers pulled in and got J. He was all smiles. We swung through Wendy's to pick up some food on the way home. Home and we all sat at the table and J told us of his adventures and creepy things he saw. Very happy he went on the trip and had a good time. J got cleaned up and we watched some American Idol. I called D and discussed his approach in talking to his coach to get playing time before the season ends... up to him now, prayed for him. To bed and worked on a quick-start guide for Team App and Tuesday's meeting.