20190426 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school. In to the office where a couple more folks were let go... so it was quiet in the office... I found myself faced by an immensely complicated equation; luckily we have a part time college math professor working here and he lent me a hand. I use to love algebra... Finished the day and headed home. J's ride for the caving expedition showed up right after I arrived. So we got him packed up and J vanished for a couple of days... LG&I then jumped in the car and headed to a Mexican place someone at work recommended and it was fantastic. We swung by Lowe's on the way home to get some ferns for L to put all over the house. Home and making sure things were lined up for the weekend and then L&I settled in and watched 'Glass'. It was pretty good, but L slept through most of it. Got G off to bed and didn't stay up too late working on things. D's games for tomorrow have already been cancelled.