20190423 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school on the way in to the new office. In the conf room all day again looking over charts. We did take a nice break for lunch at Old Bag of Nails in downtown Worthington. At the end of the day I headed to New Albany for G's baseball game. L&G met me there and then L ran over to the high school to watch J run, but he wasn't running until later so L came back. The game was HORRIBLE. Probably the worse I have ever seen our team play. G had one play where he attempted to get the runner out at 3rd and got scolded for it... and his at bat was an atrocious strike out. We lost 18-1 in 4 innings... L headed to J's track meet where she got to watch him run and he got a new persona record time. G&I home, both very frustrated with the game. L&J home, J on a terror trying to defend his grades... it did not go well for him. got J settled and he came up with a plan. We watched TV for a bit but all to bed in good time. I did a couple of things on the computer but got some good sleep.