20210610 + Up in the am and J already at work. I got around, had some coffee cake and then headed in to the office. Was a long busy day. At the end of the day L ran me to pick up the car. The guy showed me the tire and it was dangerously close to blowing out! Good thing we replaced all the tires. Home and the car drove very smooth again. L cooked us some dinner. I threw the ball to Hazel a bit. J up in Delaware with JGF6 and G has been at the pool all day with his buddies. After we ate L&I went on a little drive on the highway up to Whit's in New Albany so I could feel the new tires and alignment at high speeds, all good. We got there had a nice snack and then headed home. Home and we started a new series /Tidelands' and watched a couple of episodes before heading to bed and waiting up for J to get home.