20210603 + 40 Directions

20210603 + Up in the am and J already at work, he's working the 6am to 2 slot today. L cleaning and running errands. I'm being pulled in 40 directions this morning and trying to get organized. Trent showed up and G took off to meet up with some girls and bring them back here. J home and pretty tired. Had a very busy day but got a lot done. L cooked us dinner and we all ate together. J went back to bed, I ran to a GLHS XC parent meeting. First meeting I've been to without a mask! Stopped at the gas station to get some stuff on the way home. Home and put stuff away and watched some TV and did stuff on the PC. Woke J up so he could go stay at his buddy Larson's. Called GpaW to check on him and he had a good day.