20210627 - FIRED!!!

20210627 - Up in the am and sent G and Luke to get bfast in the lobby. They took forever and I got them to the field 10min late. I dropped the boys off and headed to McD’s to get some bfast. Their lobby wasn’t opened yet so I got my food through the drive thru and drove around Tiffin a bit while I ate. Came across a car wash so pumped a bunch of quarters in and got the sticky spots off the side of my car. Got myself to the ballfield just as the game started and headed up in to the air conditioned press box to watch the mess. And what a mess it was! We lost and headed home. G and I talked about baseball plans for next year on the way. Home and G took off for the pool. L got everything packed for her trip and I hung out on the back porch getting some Booster and other work done. L’s friends showed up and she took off for a couple days in Florida. I sent J to Kroger to pick up some stuff and fired up the grill. J home and I cooked 5 pounds of hamburger and a dozen dogs to feed us tonight and have some left for the week. Terrill showed up to get Andrew and Trent and G went with him to spend the night. I hung out with Hazel and watched some old movies doing stuff on the laptop. J was in and out and we got to bed in good time. As the night went on texts started flying around about the baseball team. Apparently the young coach swore at the kids and some of the parents complained and the coach got fired! Weird stuff ALWAYS happens when L leaves with her friends...