20171031 - Up in the am and in to work. Dealing with an escalation right out of the gate... Had a long day at work and left late. home just in time to see G in his costume and ready to head out the door with L in tow go trick-or-treating. J had a couple of buddies over and they were hydro-painting their scooters. They decided they wanted to go trick-or-treating to so they threw together some costumes and headed out too. D&DGF7 arrived just in time to pass candy out. We didn't have as many trick-or-treators as we did last year, but had some good costumes; I really liked the T-Rex! Eventually L&G got home and G spread his booty out on the living room floor. I have never seen one kid get some much candy! I stole as much as I could, boys headed off to bed and I stayed up way to latte trying to get caught up.