20210327 + Up in the am and L taking J to get a COVID test, he had a friend he had lunch with on Friday test positive... G&I headed out to get one of L's bday gifts at the HOme Depot and then to pick up some auction wins. We went to Reynoldsburg and Hillard. During our trip we discovered that J would get his test results back in 2-4 days... That's too long to wait so I had L call around until she found a rapdi test place and scheduled another test for J. G&I home, I gave L a couple of things I got for her at auction. One was a nice new big umbrella that we needed to modify a bit, so we did that until J&I had to drive to eh east end of Reynoldsburg to get him tested. Home and L&I hanging out on the back porch waiting for the test results to come back. After about an hour we got the call that J 's test was negative! We let J&G know and they both rushed out of the house to go be with friends. L and I watched basketball on the back porch. G and his friends back and Terrill arrived to pick them up to spend the night. nice to see and chat with him. L and I headed in when it got chilly and watched some more basketball.